Tuesday, 2 July 2013

On "Top of the World" - Dawson City, Yukon to Tok (pronounced Toke), Alaska

In the early morning mist, we waited for our turn to get on the ferry across the Yukon River, as did several other RV's.  The ferry could only take two at a time, plus a couple of cars so it took a while.  Some of the RV's waiting were like coaches and also towed vehicles behind them! 

The Top of the World Highway runs from Dawson City on the Canadian side, to the US border and onto the Taylor Highway near Chicken, Alaska.  We were literally driving along the top of the Dawson Ridge, with views of the Yukon Valley on one side and the Ogilvie Mountains on the other.  We started out in boreal forest, but that was soon replaced by tundra with increasing elevation .  The road was in reasonable shape on the Canadian side, but that changed as soon as we crossed the border, where there were soft patches and ruts, but they are busy fixing and widening the highway.

Yukon River Valley

Ogilvie Mts


Chicken is an old gold mining "town".  The  prospectors wanted to name it "Ptarmigan" but could not agree on how to spell it, so settled on Chicken instead.  The photo below shows a signpost beside the "chicken" mascot that has other "fowl"-related town names on it. Today the town of Chicken consists of three buildings, two RV parks and the shell of a gold dredge.


Metropolis of Chicken

Tok is at the end of the Taylor Highway, and the Sourdough RV Park is situated in a forested area.  They serve up deer chili in a sourdough bowl, and blueberry pie in their outside shelter for dinner if you are so inclined, and then the entertainment begins - pancake toss into a "buckit" about six feet away (two tries).  If you get a pancake into the " buckit", you win a sourdough pancake breakfast with deer sausage.  I had a try and hit the "buckit", but did not get one in.  Lots of fun to watch for a while, and there were a lot of happy campers  there to participate.

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